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About NATA 2024

About NATA 2020 National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is being conducted by COA since 2006, in terms of the provisions of CoA (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983, published in the Gazette of India. It is implied that a separate aptitude test in Architecture should be conducted and such test should not be combined with the tests for admissions to Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, and other disciplines. Being the competent authority for fixing the norms and standards for architectural institutions, COA has the necessary expertise to hold a Common Aptitude Test in Architecture, at the national level to provide a single-window system for appearing in aptitude test and to facilitate institutions, students, and the public at large for admission to the First year of 5 years B.Arch. Degree Course at all recognized Institutions all over the country. The purpose of conducting NATA is to provide a single scheme of examination for holding aptitude tests and to facilitate prospective students all over the country to apply for admissions in architecture seats in institutions spread across the country and to avoid appearing in multiple aptitude tests. However, the actual admissions shall be carried out only by the concerned competent authorities of the respective states/institutions based on a valid NATA score. The NATA also ensures that the eligibility criteria for admission to a five-year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) degree course, as prescribed by CoA and duly approved by the Central Government, are strictly adhered to and followed all over the country in Architectural Institutions.

NATA measures the aptitude of the applicant for a specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test makes an assessment of cognitive skills required for drawing and composition observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics at 10+2 level and critical thinking ability that have been acquired by the candidate over the past few years and are related to the specific field of study. NATA plays an important role in selecting candidates having the necessary aptitude to become competent architects to serve the society and to build the nation in coming decades, especially in view of the Govt. of India mission of Smart Cities, Housing for All, and Green and Energy-efficient Buildings. With the objective of attracting a greater number of bright aspirants for studying Architecture and practicing the same as a profession in the future, Council like every year will be conducting NATA for admission to B.Arch. NATA- shall be conducted twice a year, thus giving an opportunity to those students who miss out on the first test due to some reason or other or wish to improve upon their NATA score in the first test by re-appearing the second test. Both the first and second tests will be conducted on different dates as totally computer-based examinations all over the country.

The test shall consist of two parts, both to be answered on a PC/Laptop –
Part-A tests Cognitive skills required for drawing and visual composition
Part-B (Scientific ability and General Aptitude) comprises Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and general aptitude.

This total computer-based examination has been devised for this year alone in view of the current COVID situation and to enable candidates to take the test preferably at their place of residence/ stay or by their choice at a Test center allotted by the Council.

Eligibility Criteria

Taking NATA is a qualifying aptitude test for admission into the B. Arch degree program, subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria prescribed by the Council. In view of the Pandemic Covid-19 and partial cancellation of 10+2 level examinations by various boards/ authorities in the country, the Ministry of HRD, Government of India, based on the recommendations of the Council of Architecture, has relaxed the eligibility for admission to 1st year of 5-year B.Arch. Degree Course, prescribed under Regulation 4 of the Council of Architecture (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983, for the academic year as a one-time measure, as under:
  1. No candidate shall be admitted to B.Arch. Course unless she/ he has passed in 10+2 scheme of examination with PCM subjects or pass in 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics, as the case may be.
  2. The candidates who have qualified the aptitude test i.e. NATA or JEE, with pass percentage in 10+2 scheme of examination with PCM or 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. course for the academic year

Where can I write NATA?

Schedule of Examination shall be conducted in two sessions on the date of the first test and depending on the number of candidates registering for the second date of the test, it will be decided whether there will be one or two sessions. While the candidates will be given the choice of the two sessions on date 1 of the test on a first come first basis, the candidates opting for taking the test from Council allotted test centres shall be allocated only to the second session. Part-B shall be conducted first followed by Part-A; both parts as computer-based examinations. Updated information is available at the website http://www.nata.in 

Admission to First year of B.Arch. course

The eligibility for admission to 1st year of 5-year B.Arch. Degree Course for the academic year shall be as under:

  1. No candidate shall be admitted to B.Arch. Course unless she/ he has passed in 10+2 scheme of examination with PCM subjects or pass in 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics, as the case may be.
  2. The candidates who have qualified for the aptitude test i.e. NATA or JEE, with a pass percentage in the 10+2 scheme of examination with PCM or 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. course for the academic year.